شاهد.. مقصورات الطائرات المستقبلية بمقاعد دون طاولات وتغييرات تحمي من أي كوارث صحية

السبت 08 اغسطس 2020 | 06:04 مساءً
كتب : مها عبدالرازق

منذ تفشي فيروس"كورونا" في العالم وتغير الكثير من الأشياء من حولنا، من الطريقة التي نتواصل بها اجتماعيا، إلى طريقة العمل والسفر.

ولكن ما زال السفر الجوي بعيدا عن مستويات ما قبل الجائحة، لكنه بدأ في العودة شيئا فشيئا منذ مايو الماضي ويواصل المسافرون القلق بشأن الصعود إلى طائرة مزدحمة في ظل تواصل الوباء، لكن لحسن الحظ، يعمل العديد من المصممين على تقديم أفكار يمكنها تخفيف القلق والخوف بشأن السفر الجوي مستقبلا.

وفي مفهوم تم إصداره حديثا، طور استوديو التصميم PriestmanGoode ومقره لندن بالمملكة المتحدة "مقصورة ما بعد الجائحة" والتي تركز على النظافة والمساحة الشخصية والحفاظ على سلامة الركاب وراحتهم.

وأطلقت شركة التصميم البريطانية على مفهومها الجديد اسم "السماء الصافية" (Pure Skies)، والذي أعادت من خلاله تصميم مقاعد الدرجة الاقتصادية ودرجة رجال الأعمال.

وتستخدم المقاعد "حبرا متلونا بالضوء وحراريا" سيعمل مع طرق تنظيف جديدة مثل الأشعة فوق البنفسجية (UVC)، التي أظهرت الدراسات أنها يمكن أن تقتل فيروس كورونا، والتنظيف الحراري.

The Pure Skies Zone is our concept for the future of Economy Class . Each Pure Skies Zone seat features a fold down table with wireless charging and integrated UVC cleaning, a safety card integrated with the back shell and a device holder that can hold multiple personal or airline devices to be attached . The pandemic will have a lasting impact on passenger expectations. Pure Skies is a complete review of both Economy and Business Class cabins. Our vision takes into account development times, airline requirements for revenue streams, increased passenger concerns around hygiene and personal space and green recovery incentives . You can find detailed information about the concept on our website priestmangoode.com . . . . . #avgeek #aviation #passengerexperience #PaxEx #aircraftlovers #aviationgeek #aviationdesign #aviationlovers #aircraftinteriors #airbus #boeing #plane #futurethinking #innovation #futureconcept #industrialdesign #CMF #materials #render #3Dartist #technology #technews #travel #traveling #travelnews #designleadership #CX #insights #designstrategy #IATA . @theapexassoc @runwaygirl @wired @thepointsguy @thepointsguyuk @condenasttraveller @cntraveler @travelandleisure @forbestravelguide @farnborough_airshow @parisairshow @aixexpo @wireduk @skiftnews @airlinegeeks @theeconomistevents_ @time @natgeotravel @techcrunch @dezeen @designboom A post shared by PriestmanGoode (@priestmangoode) on Aug 6, 2020 at 9:40am PDT

وتم تغيير اسم الدرجة الاقتصادية إلى "مناطق السماء الصافية" بينما تسمى درجة رجال الأعمال "غرف السماء الصافية".

First look at Pure Skies, our vision for the future of aviation. Seen here is the Pure Skies Room, our concept for the future of Business Class . We've introduced UVC light and heat cleaning, in combination with photochromic and thermochromic inks in the materials and finishes. As the heat from cleaning reacts with the inks, a message of reassurance appears on seats, helping alleviate passenger anxiety about hygiene during boarding . The pandemic will have a lasting impact on passenger expectations. Pure Skies is a complete review of both Economy and Business Class cabins. Our vision takes into account development times, airline requirements for revenue streams, increased passenger concerns around hygiene and personal space and green recovery incentives . You can find detailed information about the concept on our website priestmangoode.com . . . . . #avgeek #aviation #passengerexperience #PaxEx #aircraftlovers #aviationgeek #aviationdesign #aviationlovers #aircraftinteriors #airbus #boeing #plane #futurethinking #innovation #futureconcept #industrialdesign #CMF #materials #render #3Dartist #technology #technews #travel #traveling #travelnews #designleadership #CX #insights #designstrategy . @theapexassoc @runwaygirl @wired @thepointsguy @thepointsguyuk @condenasttraveller @cntraveler @travelandleisure @forbestravelguide @thedesignair A post shared by PriestmanGoode (@priestmangoode) on Jul 28, 2020 at 11:55am PDT

وفي "مناطق السماء الصافية"، تفصل شاشات فواصل جديدة بارتفاع كامل كل صف عن الآخر، بينما تكون المقاعد متداخلة لتوفير مساحة أكبر للركاب.

ويمكنك نسيان أجهزة التلفزيون الترفيهية على متن الطائرة في هذه الدرجة، وبدلا من ذلك، ستسمح لك الأنظمة الجديدة بتوصيل هاتفك حتى تتمكن من المشاهدة من خلال أجهزتك الشخصية، وهو أمر تفعله العديد من شركات الطيران بالفعل.

First look at Pure Skies, our vision for the future of aviation. Seen here is the Pure Skies Zone, our concept for the future of Economy Class . We've introduced UVC light and heat cleaning, in combination with photochromic and thermochromic inks in the materials and finishes. As the heat from cleaning reacts with the inks, a message of reassurance appears on seats, helping alleviate passenger anxiety about hygiene during boarding . The pandemic will have a lasting impact on passenger expectations. Pure Skies is a complete review of both Economy and Business Class cabins. Our vision takes into account development times, airline requirements for revenue streams, increased passenger concerns around hygiene and personal space and green recovery incentives . You can find detailed information about the concept on our website priestmangoode.com . . . . . #avgeek #aviation #passengerexperience #PaxEx #aircraftlovers #aviationgeek #aviationdesign #aviationlovers #aircraftinteriors #airbus #boeing #plane #futurethinking #innovation #futureconcept #industrialdesign #CMF #materials #render #3Dartist #technology #technews #travel #traveling #travelnews #designleadership #CX #insights #designstrategy . @theapexassoc @runwaygirl @wired @thepointsguy @thepointsguyuk @condenasttraveller @cntraveler @travelandleisure @forbestravelguide @thedesignair A post shared by PriestmanGoode (@priestmangoode) on Jul 28, 2020 at 12:34pm PDT

كما يوجد على ظهر المقعد شحن لاسلكي وبطاقة أمان مدمجة بإضاءة خلفية. ويشير التصميم أيضا إلى أنه سيقع التخلص من منضدة الدرج، التي يشار إليها غالبا على أنها واحدة من أقذر أجزاء الطائرة، وسيتم تقديم واحدة أصغر حجما عند تسليم الطعام.

The Pure Skies Room, our concept for the future of Business Class airline travel . Each Pure Skies Room is a fully enclosed personal space, partitioned by full height curtains. Each Room features personal overhead stowage and a personal wardrobe, both with integrated UVC Cleaning . The pandemic will have a lasting impact on passenger expectations. Pure Skies is a complete review of both Economy and Business Class cabins. Our vision takes into account development times, airline requirements for revenue streams, increased passenger concerns around hygiene and personal space and green recovery incentives . You can find detailed information about the concept on our website priestmangoode.com . . . . . #avgeek #aviation #passengerexperience #PaxEx #aircraftlovers #aviationgeek #aviationdesign #aviationlovers #aircraftinteriors #airbus #boeing #plane #futurethinking #innovation #futureconcept #industrialdesign #CMF #materials #render #3Dartist #technology #technews #travel #traveling #travelnews #designleadership #CX #insights #designstrategy #IATA . @theapexassoc @runwaygirl @wired @thepointsguy @thepointsguyuk @condenasttraveller @cntraveler @travelandleisure @forbestravelguide @farnborough_airshow @parisairshow @aixexpo @wireduk @skiftnews @airlinegeeks @theeconomistevents_ @time @natgeotravel @techcrunch A post shared by PriestmanGoode (@priestmangoode) on Aug 2, 2020 at 12:10pm PDT

كما تم إعادة تصميم المقاعد نفسها لتتميز بأسطح لامعة بدلا من الأسطح غير اللامعة التقليدية، ما يجعلها أسهل في التنظيف.

The Pure Skies Room is our concept for the future of Business Class airline travel . Each Pure Skies Room is a fully enclosed personal space, partitioned by full height curtains. Each Room features personal overhead stowage and a personal wardrobe, both with integrated UVC Cleaning . The Pure Skies Room features a brand new seat design with minimal split lines and seam-welded fabrics to eliminate dirt traps . The pandemic will have a lasting impact on passenger expectations. Pure Skies is a complete review of both Economy and Business Class cabins. Our vision takes into account development times, airline requirements for revenue streams, increased passenger concerns around hygiene and personal space and green recovery incentives . You can find detailed information about the concept on our website priestmangoode.com . . . . . #avgeek #aviation #passengerexperience #PaxEx #aircraftlovers #aviationgeek #aviationdesign #aviationlovers #aircraftinteriors #airbus #boeing #plane #futurethinking #innovation #futureconcept #industrialdesign #CMF #materials #render #3Dartist #technology #technews #travel #traveling #travelnews #designleadership #CX #insights #designstrategy #IATA . @theapexassoc @runwaygirl @wired @thepointsguy @thepointsguyuk @condenasttraveller @cntraveler @travelandleisure @forbestravelguide @farnborough_airshow @parisairshow @aixexpo @wireduk @skiftnews @airlinegeeks @theeconomistevents_ @time @natgeotravel @techcrunch @dezeen @designboom A post shared by PriestmanGoode (@priestmangoode) on Aug 3, 2020 at 9:34am PDT

وتخلى التصميم عن جيوب المقاعد التي تعرف بأنها مكان إيواء القمامة والجراثيم، واستبدالها بأكياس قابلة للإزالة.

The Pure Skies Room is our concept for the future of Business Class airline travel . Each Pure Skies Room is a fully enclosed personal space, partitioned by full height curtains. Each Room features personal overhead stowage and a personal wardrobe, both with integrated UVC Cleaning . Both personal lighting and temperature in the Pure Skies Room are gesture controlled by the passenger, an additional element to the touch-free journey . The pandemic will have a lasting impact on passenger expectations. Pure Skies is a complete review of both Economy and Business Class cabins. Our vision takes into account development times, airline requirements for revenue streams, increased passenger concerns around hygiene and personal space and green recovery incentives . You can find detailed information about the concept on our website priestmangoode.com . . . . . #avgeek #aviation #passengerexperience #PaxEx #aircraftlovers #aviationgeek #aviationdesign #aviationlovers #aircraftinteriors #airbus #boeing #plane #futurethinking #innovation #futureconcept #industrialdesign #CMF #materials #render #3Dartist #technology #technews #travel #traveling #travelnews #designleadership #CX #insights #designstrategy #IATA . @theapexassoc @runwaygirl @wired @thepointsguy @thepointsguyuk @condenasttraveller @cntraveler @travelandleisure @forbestravelguide @farnborough_airshow @parisairshow @aixexpo @wireduk @skiftnews @airlinegeeks @theeconomistevents_ @time @natgeotravel @techcrunch @dezeen @designboom A post shared by PriestmanGoode (@priestmangoode) on Aug 3, 2020 at 11:09am PDT

أما في " غرف السماء الصافية" المعروفة سابقا بدرجة رجال الأعمال، فيحتوي كل مقعد على ستائر لجعل الجلوس أكثر خصوصية بالإضافة إلى خزانة ملابس وخزانة علوية شخصية.

The Pure Skies Room is our concept for the future of Business Class airline travel . Each Pure Skies Room is a fully enclosed personal space, partitioned by full height curtains. Each Room features personal overhead stowage and a personal wardrobe, both with integrated UVC Cleaning . The IFE system is fully synchronised with passengers' own devices . The pandemic will have a lasting impact on passenger expectations. Pure Skies is a complete review of both Economy and Business Class cabins. Our vision takes into account development times, airline requirements for revenue streams, increased passenger concerns around hygiene and personal space and green recovery incentives . You can find detailed information about the concept on our website priestmangoode.com . . . . . #avgeek #aviation #passengerexperience #PaxEx #aircraftlovers #aviationgeek #aviationdesign #aviationlovers #aircraftinteriors #airbus #boeing #plane #futurethinking #innovation #futureconcept #industrialdesign #CMF #materials #render #3Dartist #technology #technews #travel #traveling #travelnews #designleadership #CX #insights #designstrategy #IATA . @theapexassoc @runwaygirl @wired @thepointsguy @thepointsguyuk @condenasttraveller @cntraveler @travelandleisure @forbestravelguide @farnborough_airshow @parisairshow @aixexpo @wireduk @skiftnews @airlinegeeks @theeconomistevents_ @time @natgeotravel @techcrunch @dezeen @designboom A post shared by PriestmanGoode (@priestmangoode) on Aug 4, 2020 at 9:10am PDT

وما يزال مسافرو درجة رجال الأعمال يحصلون على تلفزيون مع شاشة ترفيه ضخمة متزامنة مع أجهزتهم الخاصة.

The Pure Skies Zone is our concept for the future of Economy Class . The Pure Skies Zone features a combination of staggered and non-staggered seat configurations, helping to maximise the feeling of personal space and allowing passengers to sit in the groups they are travelling in, whether alone, as a couple or in groups . Dividing screens every other row offer greater separation, help purify the air inside the cabin and alleviate passenger anxiety . Seats in the Pure Skies Zone recline. The mechanism for this is entirely contained within the fabric skin of the seat to avoid split lines and hard-to-clean gaps . The pandemic will have a lasting impact on passenger expectations. Pure Skies is a complete review of both Economy and Business Class cabins. Our vision takes into account development times, airline requirements for revenue streams, increased passenger concerns around hygiene and personal space and green recovery incentives . You can find detailed information about the concept on our website priestmangoode.com . . . . . #avgeek #aviation #passengerexperience #PaxEx #aircraftlovers #aviationgeek #aviationdesign #aviationlovers #aircraftinteriors #airbus #boeing #plane #futurethinking #innovation #futureconcept #industrialdesign #CMF #materials #render #3Dartist #technology #technews #travel #traveling #travelnews #designleadership #CX #insights #designstrategy #IATA . @theapexassoc @runwaygirl @wired @thepointsguy @thepointsguyuk @condenasttraveller @cntraveler @travelandleisure @forbestravelguide @farnborough_airshow @parisairshow @aixexpo @wireduk @skiftnews @airlinegeeks @theeconomistevents_ @time @natgeotravel @techcrunch @dezeen @designboom A post shared by PriestmanGoode (@priestmangoode) on Aug 5, 2020 at 12:37am PDT

في حين أن المقاعد الجديدة قد تبدو واقعية، تدعي الشركة أن الأمر قد يستغرق ثلاث سنوات فقط لبناء واعتماد بعض هذه الأنظمة الجديدة.

وأضاف المصممون: "تساعد ميزات التصميم الجديدة المدمجة وأحدث التقنيات والابتكارات المادية في تقليل قلق الركاب وتحسين المساحة الشخصية والنظافة وتسهيل الرحلات الخالية من اللمس".

The Pure Skies Zone is our concept for the future of Economy Class . The literature pocket has been replaced with an optional removable bag for each passenger or the option to clip-on their own bag . Each Pure Skies Zone seat features a fold down table with wireless charging and integrated UVC cleaning, a safety card integrated with the back shell and a device holder that can hold multiple personal or airline devices to be attached . The pandemic will have a lasting impact on passenger expectations. Pure Skies is a complete review of both Economy and Business Class cabins. Our vision takes into account development times, airline requirements for revenue streams, increased passenger concerns around hygiene and personal space and green recovery incentives . You can find detailed information about the concept on our website priestmangoode.com . . . . . #avgeek #aviation #passengerexperience #PaxEx #aircraftlovers #aviationgeek #aviationdesign #aviationlovers #aircraftinteriors #airbus #boeing #plane #futurethinking #innovation #futureconcept #industrialdesign #CMF #materials #render #3Dartist #technology #technews #travel #traveling #travelnews #designleadership #CX #insights #designstrategy #IATA . @theapexassoc @runwaygirl @wired @thepointsguy @thepointsguyuk @condenasttraveller @cntraveler @travelandleisure @forbestravelguide @farnborough_airshow @parisairshow @aixexpo @wireduk @skiftnews @airlinegeeks @theeconomistevents_ @time @natgeotravel @techcrunch @dezeen @designboom A post shared by PriestmanGoode (@priestmangoode) on Aug 5, 2020 at 10:13am PDT

وتأمل التصميمات الجديدة في حماية صناعة السفر في المستقبل من أي كوارث صحية أخرى.

وأضاف المدير نايجل جود: "لقد تطلعنا إلى تخيل سيناريوهات مستقبلية وأخذنا في الاعتبار سلوكيات الركاب الجديدة التي يقودها الوباء العالمي لضمان إمكانية تنفيذ تصميماتنا في غضون بضع سنوات وستلبي متطلبات المستخدم وشركات الطيران لسنوات عديدة قادمة".

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